We work with golf courses and clubs to help them fine-tune their business operations primarily focusing on marketing and customer service. Many times golf courses don’t have the resources or the time to market the golf course or their banquet facility. Also, since golf is seasonal, golf courses will hire for the season and then don’t have time to train their staff properly in customer service. We can assist in these areas.
With so many golf courses to choose from these days, and so many of them discounting prices to draw new golfers, success and profitability comes down to which course provides the best experience and best value! Providing excellent customer service requires continual training, setting high standards and achievable goals, holding the team accountable, and rewarding employees for a job well done.
We have worked with private clubs, semi-private courses as well as park district golf courses to provide customer service training for the board of directors, management team and the front-line staff. In addition we have worked with other hospitality industries including hotels and restaurants in the areas of customer service.